Quality & Efficience

D7 Teknoloji

D7 Teknoloji A.Ş., otonom sistemler, giyilebilir sensörler, yapay zeka alanlarında AR-GE projeleri yapmakta olup, birbirini destekleyen konularda sektör ihtiyaçlarından yola çıkarak gelişimini sürdürmektedir. Teknolojik trendlere göre gelecekteki ihtiyaçları ve eksikleri tespit ederek çalışmalarımızı yürütmekteyiz.


Otonom Sistemler

Otonom su üstü araçları, su altı planörü ve döner kanatlı platformlarla yapay zeka ile görev icrası


Otonom Sistemler

Otonom su üstü araçları, su altı planörü ve döner kanatlı platformlarla yapay zeka ile görev icrası


Yapay Zeka

Pekiştirmeli öğrenme tabanlı otonom araç görev icra algoritmaları, sensör çıktılarının yapay zeka ve istatistiksel sinyal işleme algoritmalarıyla işlenmesi


Öneri Sistemleri

Kullanıcı davranışı ve içerik bilgisi tabanlı kendi kendine öğrenebilen öneri sistemleri

They trus us

What they say about us?

We have the best experts to elevate your business to the next level, try is and you will see! We have the best experts to elevate your business to the next level, try is and you will see! We have the best experts to elevate your business to the next level, try is and you will see!


How it works?

Voice & Collaboration Services That Will Make You Fell Like You are in the Same Office. we are proud to be certified as a PCI-compliant cloud phone system by building a secure network.

Quality & Efficience

Our main features

We have the best experts to elevate your business to the next level, try is and you will see! We have the best experts to elevate your business to the next level, try is and you will see! We have the best experts to elevate your business to the next level, try is and you will see!

They trust us

Numbers & Achievements

We see brand-building as a holistic exercise and have assembled a multidisciplinary group of design, marketing and product experts who specialise in creating stand-out experiences across every touchpoint. Since starting, we've been fortunate enough to work with tech startups and challengers across 8 subcategories and 5 continents, providing us with a nuanced understanding of today's tech and digital landscapes.


Up Time






Happy Clients


We have an excellent team of creative people

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-


We Will Plan, Design and Developing & Maintain Project

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-

They trust us



We garantee


Safe and Secured

We offer 24/7 support, in-house field engineers, and our own truck rolls for event.


99.9% Uptime Guarantee

With 15+ years in the telecom inductry we have the experience you can depend on.


Dedicated Support

We have a platform that accommodates small, medium and entreprises needs.


Recent from blog

We have the best experts to elevate your business to the next level

Veri ve Bayesçi Epistemoloji

“Dijital tartı her seferinde farklı tartıyor.“ Bir e-ticaret sitesindeki müşteri yorumu Sensörler bir varlık veya…


Case studies

Numbers & Achievements

We have the best experts to elevate your business to the next level, try is and you will see!

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